Colourful quote card - 'She believed she could, so she did'
Regular price £3.00
Fun greetings card - Well-behaved women seldom make history
Greetings card - You don't stop dancing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop dancing
Colourful motivational card - 'Life is tough, my darling, but so are you'
Rainbow card: 'It takes a big heart to shape little minds'
A6 postcard pack of six colourful, motivational postcards on recycled card from the Notes to Self range
Regular price £6.50
Rainbow card for travel lover / new beginnings: 'Adventure awaits'
Colourful celebration card - 'Yay!'
Card for stargazers - Never stop looking up
Shakespeare quote birthday card - Merchant of Venice quote
Empowering feminist greetings card - And though she be but little, she is fierce
Fun greetings card for tea lovers - A cup of tea solves everything
Card for tea-lovers - You're my cup of tea
Colourful greetings card - 'Big hugs!'
Fun, colourful card - 'You awesome woman, you!'
Botanical card - Oxalis
Motivational card - To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow
Rainbow card - fun, colourful greetings card
Rainbow thank you card - 'Thanks a million!'
Botanical card - Prayer Plant
Motivational card - There always flowers for those who want to see them
Botanical card - Monstera
Botanical card - All good things are wild and free - Thoreau
Motivational card - Life is tough my darling, but so are you
Rainbow inspirational greetings card: 'Find your tribe, love them hard'
Rainbow card: 'Hello. I miss you'
Botanical card - Pothos
Fun Yorkshire-inspired card: 'Now then, mardy bum'
Botanical greetings card - 'Born to be wild'
Empowering Women card: Here's to strong women
Fun Yorkshire-inspired card: 'Ey up!'
Empowering Women card: Little girls with dreams become women with vision
Empowering Women card: Nevertheless, she persisted
Empowering Women card: Actually, I can
Empowering Women card: The world needs more women like you
Empowering Women card: You must do the things you think you cannot do
Shakespeare quote card - "And though she be but little, she is fierce"
Empowering Women card: Make More Noise
Empowering Women card: Rise up
Empowering Women card - 'Empowered women empower women'